Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to Identify Trojan Worm in Windows Vista: 5 Tips

In spite of the claims by Microsoft that Windows vista is very secure operating systems compared to Windows XP, it had been practically observed that windows Vista is prone to Trojan worms, spyware, Malware and Identity theft attacks. Hence it is no different than Windows XP and other Windows operating system.

Trojan Worm can infect your Windows Vista or XP Computer systems very quietly without your noticing it on some occasions. This had been experienced on several occasions without the owner of the system realizing the infection it until the System got into non-stop crashing and rebooting cycles with blue screen.

Five signs that will help you in detecting Trojan Worm attacks on Windows Computer system is discussed in this article. You might be one of the computer users that is not sure of Trojan worm attack, one of these signs is enough to convince you about Trojan worm attack.

•Windows Vista Speed Slows Down:

If your Computer system with Windows Vista/XP PC starts reducing in both access and booting speed without any definite reason, beware you might have been infected with Trojan worm. It is necessary that you should run Trojan Worm scanner in your PC to detect Trojan attacks.
The other factors that could lead to slow speed are if your system needs defragmentation. In a situation whereby you have defragmented your system and yet there is no improvement hence you might suspect hidden Trojan worm in your Computer System

•Pop ads display in Windows In spite of Security Software

It is possible that you have some Internet security software installed on your system and yet you still encounter strange pop up advertisements in your Windows Vista Computer system then you have to consider whether your system had really been infected with Trojan Worms. This is another sure warning sign for a hidden Trojan Worms

Inability to Run CHKDSK in Windows Vista:

Have you experienced a situation whereby you cannot run Check Disk in Windows Vista Computer System? The most probable cause of the inability to run the CHKDSK is infection of Trojan Worms. If it happens that after you schedule the windows Vista to run CHKDSK on reboot but the system skip it beware the trojand might be in your system already. The next thing to be done is to scan the system for Trojan Worm infection immediately.

Computer System Hanging

If your Computer System running Windows Vista or XP Operating System is hanging indiscriminately one of the possible causes is Trojan worm infection. This is could be confirmed in as much as the processor is not heating up and there is on driver problem.

•Blue Screen Windows crashing

If you are experiencing sudden blue screen of death and your Computer System starts to reboot continuously non stop, it is a sign of hidden Trojan worm infection. Taking note of any of this warning signs is enough for you to scan the system for Trojan worm attack.

Fore more assistance Click Here!

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